Live Again Devotions
Day #17
“Obey To Live”
Ezekiel 37:7 (KJV)
7) So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
I would like for you to notice that the prophet Ezekiel would have never seen the miracle of dry dead bones become an exceeding great army if he had not obeyed the command of the Lord to prophesy.
For us to see dead things in our lives to live again, we must obey the command of the Lord. We are not going to see resurrections happen doing things our own way. We must submit to the direction of the Lord, regardless of how foolish it may seem.
Ezekiel must have felt silly prophesying to dry bones in a deserted place. I’m sure he looked around to see if anyone was looking at him. He must have thought, “Really Lord?” Do you want me to ready prophesy to skeletons?” Sometime what God tells us to do may defy all reasoning, but our responsibility is not to try to figure out how God is going to work or to try to understand Him. Our responsibility is to obey Him! Regardless of how absurd it may seem.
When Jesus told the blind man to go wash in the pool of Siloam, after He spat on the ground, made clay of the spittle, and then anointed his eyes with the clay, it must have seemed ridiculous. Then he had to blindly walk to find his way to the pool with mud in his eyes. The blinded man could have rejected Jesus’ instructions, but he didn’t! I’m sure he was thrilled he had obeyed because the blind man came back seeing.
It doesn’t matter what God asks of you in order for you to see the dead things of your life live again … just do it! Your obedience gives way for the miraculous to operate.
Naaman reluctantly obeyed to wash his dying leprous body in the muddy Jordan River. After the seven lively dips in the Jordan River, his flesh became like baby skin. He was a dying man, but obedience to the command of the man of God, brought life back to him.
So regardless of what the Lord is telling you to do for dead things in your life to live again, obey it and see the resurrection power on display.
Obey … so that the dead bones of your life, may LIVE AGAIN!
Read the following scriptures: