In our fast-paced, demanding society, getting connected and staying connected to God, our church, our friends, and our family require deliberate effort and a well-designed plan to keep our priorities in the proper order. At The Peninsula Pentecostals, as part of our effort to fulfill our vision and mission, we have established ten connect points. We hope you will allow these points to serve as your personal guide on your journey to leading an overcoming life. Are YOU connected?
1. Personal Devotion–Private Prayer and the Word
Daily devotion is imperative for a productive and living connection to God. There’s no minimum or maximum time limit set; this is simply your personal time alone with God and His Word. The Apostle Paul’s instruction to the Thessalonians was “Pray without ceasing.” Daily devotion–connection to God–gives God an opportunity to speak into your life and direct your steps.
2. Prayer–Corporate/Public Prayer
Where there is no prayer, there is no power; where there is little prayer, there is little power; but where there is MUCH PRAYER, there is MUCH POWER! We encourage everyone to join us for pre-service prayer every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm in the Main Activity Hall as we prepare our hearts and minds for the preaching of the Word of God. And there is strength in corporate prayer at our Hour of Power prayer meeting once a month on a Friday from 7:30-8:30 pm.
3. The Word
The Psalmist David wrote, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” This connection point is two-fold.
(1) Daily Bible reading should be a part of your daily devotion plan. A wide variety of reading plans are available; whatever plan you choose, the important matter is connecting to the Word daily.
(2) In addition, we want everyone at The Peninsula Pentecostals to attend our Sunday morning Christian Training class, regularly. Classes for children and adults are geared to impart the Word of God in ways that help us understand its application to daily life. They help establish a firm foundation for our Christian walk by teaching and imparting Biblical principles. Counteracting society’s influence on our thinking requires more than attendance at and participation in worship services; it requires knowing and studying the Word, and involvement in a Christian Training class is one way to allow the Word to take root in our hearts. Get connected to the Word each week through Christian Training!
4. Fasting
There are multitudes of scriptures regarding fasting. In Joel the commandment of the Lord was, ” . . . turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting . . ” Jesus instructed the disciples, saying, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting . . .” Jesus himself fasted forty days. So it is that we, as 21st-century apostolics, follow the practice of fasting. Fasting can take many forms. You can fast a particular favorite food for a specific amount of time. You can fast one meal or three meals. You can fast a day, where you eat only one late afternoon/evening meal per day. There are specific kinds of fasts for specific needs. Search the scriptures. Make fasting a regular part of your service to God.
5. Family
Monday night is Family Night at The Peninsula Pentecostals. Very few events or activities are placed on our church calendar for Monday evenings in order to allow our church family to set aside this one evening for special time together with their families. As a church, we are committed to building strong Christian families. We believe our community, our state, and our nation can be strengthened as Christian homes are strengthened. Make sure your family has Family Night!
6. Worship
The thread of worship winds its way from Genesis to Revelation. We hear Abraham saying, “I and the lad will go yonder and worship” (Genesis 22). We find John in Revelation commanding simply, “Worship God.” We rejoice in the Psalms as David the worshipper cries, “O come let us worship . . .” In Hebrews the command is clear, ” . . . let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together . . . so much the more as ye see the day approaching.” The day of His coming is nearer than ever before. In worship we can ready ourselves by the strength and power found only in His presence.
7. Evangelism–Bearing fruit that will remain!
Luke recorded the singular mission of Jesus Christ: “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” We read in John 4 that the woman at the well in Samaria actually led her city to Jesus Christ. Revelation tells us we overcome by the word of our testimony. The Bible teaches us that if a tree doesn’t bear fruit, then it will be cut down and thrown in the fire. Each one of us must earnestly strive to bear fruit and draw others into a relationship with Christ.
8. Discipleship
There were those who followed Jesus from a distance, much like we “follow the news” today. There were those who followed Him a little more closely–found among the masses here and there as they gathered. Then there were the twelve-the men who followed Him closely . . . His disciples. There was then–and there is now–a price to be paid for discipleship. His call to discipleship requires a full-life commitment. It goes beyond church membership and attendance at Sunday services: “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
9. Personal Involvement
The Peninsula Pentecostals provide multiple opportunities for ministry. While there are specific requirements for certain levels of involvement, there is always something you can do to become involved in a TPP Ministry. From parking lot assistants to KidSplash teachers, Connection Groups to the TPP Choir, there is a place for you to give of yourself. Ministry opportunities are available in the following areas: Children’s Ministry, Christian Education, Connection Groups, Discipleship, Home Bible Studies, Hospitality, Music, Prayer, Senior Citizens, Singles, Sight & Sound Productions, World Missions, REVolution Student Ministry . . . You have a God-given ability He wants you to share with others. We’ll help you find your place!
10. Fellowship
As we study the book of Acts, we find that they “continued steadfastly” in the Apostles’ Doctrine, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. We cannot neglect the value of fellowship with like-minded believers. John wrote, “. . . If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Invite someone to your house for dinner! Or, make plans to meet someone at a local restaurant and share a “dutch treat” meal. Go for a walk with a friend or two. Create opportunities in your life for fellowship!