We are sisters.

We are women devoted to loving and honoring God every day.

We are strong individually,

but we are stronger together.

Connection Groups

We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 7 for Connection Groups where we’re able to grow stronger together through sharing our struggles, joys, and hearts with one another. Visit a connection group this week and discover the warmth of community.  


Ladies Net Meetings

Once a quarter, our ladies come together for a ladies only service.  We have snacks, worship Jesus, and hear teaching that applies to us. Join us for one this year!

Ladies “Life” Training

We love spending time together and having girl nights where we have training on everything from hair care to cooking to essential oils and how to use them.  

{Meet Grace}

Grace Long is our lovely Ladies Ministry Director.
Her excitement, drive and passion are just a few of her amazing
qualities that make her a wonderful leader and example to our ladies.
She is a mother and grandmother and treats every one like
part of her family.