Live Again Devotions
Day #19
“Our Dying Nature Vs. God’s Living Nature”
1 Corinthians 15:22 (KJV). For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Adam represents our fallen nature. It was Adam who ate the forbidden fruit and fell from grace. He passed this fallen nature onto all mankind. You and I now possess this fallen, dying nature.
Within our own fallen nature, we have the propensity to gravitate toward death. Not only are we inevitably going to face a natural death and face a dreadful eternity, but also, while living this life things in many areas of our lives will gradually begin to die: our health, our relationships, our dreams, our hopes, our God-given talents, our goals, etc. It makes this life seem hopeless and despondent.
But there is good news! Jesus came to offer LIFE. Through the good news of the Gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have life eternally. While living this present life, we can experience the abundant life that Jesus promises. Those things that are dying in your life can be begin to breathe again. They don’t have to die. With Jesus Christ, we are made alive again. Let Jesus breathe on those dying things; your health, your relationship, your dreams, your hopes, your God-given talents, your goals, your callings, etc.
Don’t lose hope, despite how bleak your circumstances may appear. Like Ezekiel, God is wanting us to command the wind to breathe on the dead things of your life. Command it in prayer! It may seem awkward but with faith in your spirit and voice boldly prophesy the wind to blow. You will see how God responds to your faith and you will be amazed at how His creative power will begin to manifest right before your eyes.
So, allow the spiritual nature of God to overpower your adamic human nature and see your dead things LIVE AGAIN!
Read the following scriptures: